View Potential Homes

After we have determined your search criteria you will receive all of the listings that fit your criteria. At this point you can compile a list of properties that you are most interested in and we set up a time to go view your new potential homes. 

It is best to limit home tours to 5-7 properties at a time. Any more than that and it can become mentally taxing and the different property features become confused with others. Depending on the type and size of home it should take 20-30 minutes to view each home. Obviously there will be some homes that pique your interest and we may spend more time in those properties, on the other hand there will be properties that just aren’t your cup of tea in which case we would spend less time in these homes. 

We will be able to view all or as many listings that fit your criteria as possible, this may take 2-4 or more property tours. After viewing enough properties, you will have determined your favorites that we put on your short list. 

During the tour of your short list properties we will spend more time in each of the listings. At this time, we can measure important spaces, assess the pros and cons and take note of any items that may require additional research or information.